jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Key Words





Image Board

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Lista de Componentes Tecnológicos

1 push botton, 1 cristal de 11.0592 MHz, 2 capacitores 22pF, 1 resistencia de 370 ohms

2 resistencias de 10k, 1 diodo, 1 microcontrolado 8052, 1 display LCD de de 16x2

Fotodiodos INFRARROJOS (3), Fototransistores (3), Diodos 4001 (3)

LM741 OpAmps (3), 7805 Power Supply Regulator (3), 3 resistencias de 330Ω

3 resistencias de 1kΩ, 3 resistencias de 6.2Ω

Diagrama de Bloques

Diagrama de Flujo del Prototipo

Explicación de Diagrama de Flujo del Prototipo

El conjunto de Foto Diodos y Foto Receptores se encuentran dentro de cajas obscuras que permiten la medición del nivel de humo existente en ellas, dicho sistema regresa un voltaje, el conjunto de salidas se conecta a un regulador, el cual prende uno de los tres leds existentes. Posteriormente el regulador es conectado al microcontrolador el cual convierte los datos de entrada de analógicos a digital. Dependiendo de la entrada que reciba (001,010,100), el microcontrolador, despliega un mensaje que refleja la concentración de humo. Este proceso se repite cada segundo.

Dimensiones a 5 años

Actualmente existen leds que se alimentan vía fotosíntesis, lamentablemente hoy en día no se puede alimentar a todo nuestro sistema, nosotros esperamos que dentro 5 años, exista la tecnología suficiente para poder alimentar a todo el sistema haciendo uso de la fotosíntesis. Esperamos que nuestro modelo ideal no solo sirva para mostrar el nivel de contaminación, si no que en un futuro podamos implementarlo para cuestiones de salud (ejemplo: Reflejar el nivel de bacterias) para efectos de higiene y contingencia.

También esperamos esperando que nuestro modelo se convierta en un sistema de alumbrado público, que incluso pueda ayudar a ser censos poblacionales, que pueda ayudar a ser una conciencia global y todo esto repercuta de manera positiva en la calidad de vida de las personas.

Ideal Concept

Living Cities is an alternative system of public illumination which obtains the necessary energy for its operation, from the photosynthetic processes of the trees. The lights that form the system, apart from illuminating the urban spaces, have the capacity to register the CO2 levels in the atmosphere. On the basis of such data, they react in an interactive way modifying their luminance behavior, indicating on the basis of three colors if a zone represents a low, average or high level of contamination.

The participation of the community is key in the conception of Living Cities. To generate this participation, LCD screens in the more popular and busy areas of the cities are installed which summarize general conditions of the city, exhibiting the environmental quality of the different sectors of the city. Possible corrective activities will be suggested in the screen with the idea that each citizen designs his own strategy helping to diminish his negative environmental impact in the process. The main goal of this stage of the project is to generate and expand the development of a social intelligence.

State of Art

Once the general direction of the project was established, it was necessary to investigate the general panorama of questions and uncertainties regarding the technology used, patents in the market, and related articles to focus on the development of the concept Living Cities.

Such investigation helped in the technical development of the project to give us a better understanding of the design needed in technical aspects. Hence different environmental monitoring systems were analyzed, which in specific consisted of measurement devices of pollution levels in a specific zone, such as the MACAM system implemented in the city of Santiago in Chile since 1988. The possibility of other devices were analyzed that unlike the MACAM system, work as independent devices that are not connected in a network.

After this phase of investigation, it was clear that an important decision was had to be made on the main concept of Living Cities. The possibility of developing a micro-system that functions independently and its general effect can contribute to the well being of the society was what the team focused on from this point on.

Specifically various types of sensors and detectors of gas and contamination were studied at a theoretical level. This phase of the project was fundamentally carried out from the analysis of different patents whose structure and functionality could be applied and be integrated to the project. The work carried out by David Uhen which consists of an apparatus that does periodic measurements of the CO2 content in the breathing was valuable to the technical development. Although the approach of Uhen was a medical solution, the concept was nevertheless applicable in Living Cities. Also the work of David D. Nelson, J. Barry McManus, Mark Zahniser, Charles E. Kolb on the differentiatation between gases emitted by a vehicle is through laser technology, constitutes an area of opportunity that team feels that can be used like expand the development of the technology that Living Cities demands.

Finally, due to the natural concept of Living Cities, various methods of generating energy through the natural process were examined. The research introduced the work of Christopher J. Love, Shuguang Zhang, Andreas Mershin of the Center for Biomedical Engineering, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. Their studies are aimed at obtaining electrical energy from the pH difference that exists between the tree leafs and the soil.

On the commercial side, the company Voltre Power has developed a system of sensors of fire detection which obtains their energy from the photosynthetic processes of the trees. This self power system, although a step in the right direction, still can not be used as a replacement of traditional light emitting urban devices due its limited capacity in terms of generating energy.

On the basis of the previous investigations, Living Cities it has entered to a stage where the objective is initially to take advantage of the technology available and in parallel initiating research studies on the development of specialized technology that allows to translate the main concepts of the project more efficiently and that promotes the development of social intelligence as it progresses.

Introducción Definitiva

The current tendency of social development are based on urban and globalised conception which due to rapid growth of modern population, its first and foremost objective is to fulfill this demand. Due to such exponentially increasing behavior, the metropolitan zones have undergone a process of excessive expansion in the last few decades. Based on the studies carried by the United Nations in 2008, the number of residents of urban zones was reaching 3.300 million. According this research by the year 2050, this number will increase reaching 5.000 million people; in other words during next the four decades, the planet will be subject to a permanent process of urbanization.

This global pattern of urban growth, although it is translated in the various development of facilities and services, also has brought with itself vital environmental repercussions. Based on the present rate of growth in the largest cities in the world, an estimated total of 6 million hectares of primary forests are destroyed. Only in Mexico, an estimated 395.000 hectares of the natural green environments were severely affected between the years 2000 and the 2005.

According to the research conducted by Energy Information Administration (EIA), it calculates that in the year 2009, 5,978 million tons of carbon dioxide will be generated only in the United States and predicts that for the 2030 this number it will be increased up to 15%.

This urgent situation has lead towards a change of perspective in which, the concept of ecological responsibility has broken the misconception that such subjects being exclusive to “traditional environmental institutions”. Furthermore it is resurfacing itself as part of the analysis, marketing, and public relation campaigns of many production companies to gain competitive advantage. And as a result, the final consumer is also attending to this important factor in his/her final decision. As this awareness movement builds in a global scale, it is vital to build a modern and intelligent culture which contemplates the ecological responsibility as a constant that is integrated in all aspects of life.

The objective of this document is to concretely explore this situation and from this, to propose a socially interactive system that promotes the development of an environmental friendly culture. More specifically, an electronic system that evaluates the various carbon dioxide levels in different areas of a city and analyses and presents the results through an emotional language, which outlines ,in a global way, the quality of the relation between inhabitant and habitat.

The project is the result of a diverse process of creative techniques conceived in three different stages. Firstly, a general elaboration and analysis of the problem from which, it was possible to explore further key situations that together, defined the limits of an area of concrete opportunity to take part. Once such area was identified, the second stage of the project took place. Which had the following objective: to deeply identify the different stakeholders and on the basis of this understanding, to establish a dynamic collaborative design that resulted in the development of a structured proposal that is free of speculations and uncertainties. The creative process culminated with the integration of a graphical data base that allowed us to integrate all the information and the requirements within a unique concept to which is called: “Living Cities”.

To complete the third stage, a qualitative investigation of the alternatives was carried out from which intended to sensitize the urbanization process. The studies performed by the Biomimicry Institute in relation to an artificial photosynthetic process such as gathering energy, or the concepts of functional integration organisms – a technology in development by Voltree-Power, represent a unique and fresh work.

In the case of this project and its objective at hand, Living Cities focuses not only on the creation and application of new technologies but also develops clear solutions to promote the development of a collective intelligence that allows the users of the system, to generate better and more efficient solutions using emotional feedback specifically in regards to the systems communication.