jueves, 14 de mayo de 2009

Key Words





Image Board

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

Lista de Componentes Tecnológicos

1 push botton, 1 cristal de 11.0592 MHz, 2 capacitores 22pF, 1 resistencia de 370 ohms

2 resistencias de 10k, 1 diodo, 1 microcontrolado 8052, 1 display LCD de de 16x2

Fotodiodos INFRARROJOS (3), Fototransistores (3), Diodos 4001 (3)

LM741 OpAmps (3), 7805 Power Supply Regulator (3), 3 resistencias de 330Ω

3 resistencias de 1kΩ, 3 resistencias de 6.2Ω

Diagrama de Bloques

Diagrama de Flujo del Prototipo

Explicación de Diagrama de Flujo del Prototipo

El conjunto de Foto Diodos y Foto Receptores se encuentran dentro de cajas obscuras que permiten la medición del nivel de humo existente en ellas, dicho sistema regresa un voltaje, el conjunto de salidas se conecta a un regulador, el cual prende uno de los tres leds existentes. Posteriormente el regulador es conectado al microcontrolador el cual convierte los datos de entrada de analógicos a digital. Dependiendo de la entrada que reciba (001,010,100), el microcontrolador, despliega un mensaje que refleja la concentración de humo. Este proceso se repite cada segundo.

Dimensiones a 5 años

Actualmente existen leds que se alimentan vía fotosíntesis, lamentablemente hoy en día no se puede alimentar a todo nuestro sistema, nosotros esperamos que dentro 5 años, exista la tecnología suficiente para poder alimentar a todo el sistema haciendo uso de la fotosíntesis. Esperamos que nuestro modelo ideal no solo sirva para mostrar el nivel de contaminación, si no que en un futuro podamos implementarlo para cuestiones de salud (ejemplo: Reflejar el nivel de bacterias) para efectos de higiene y contingencia.

También esperamos esperando que nuestro modelo se convierta en un sistema de alumbrado público, que incluso pueda ayudar a ser censos poblacionales, que pueda ayudar a ser una conciencia global y todo esto repercuta de manera positiva en la calidad de vida de las personas.

Ideal Concept

Living Cities is an alternative system of public illumination which obtains the necessary energy for its operation, from the photosynthetic processes of the trees. The lights that form the system, apart from illuminating the urban spaces, have the capacity to register the CO2 levels in the atmosphere. On the basis of such data, they react in an interactive way modifying their luminance behavior, indicating on the basis of three colors if a zone represents a low, average or high level of contamination.

The participation of the community is key in the conception of Living Cities. To generate this participation, LCD screens in the more popular and busy areas of the cities are installed which summarize general conditions of the city, exhibiting the environmental quality of the different sectors of the city. Possible corrective activities will be suggested in the screen with the idea that each citizen designs his own strategy helping to diminish his negative environmental impact in the process. The main goal of this stage of the project is to generate and expand the development of a social intelligence.

State of Art

Once the general direction of the project was established, it was necessary to investigate the general panorama of questions and uncertainties regarding the technology used, patents in the market, and related articles to focus on the development of the concept Living Cities.

Such investigation helped in the technical development of the project to give us a better understanding of the design needed in technical aspects. Hence different environmental monitoring systems were analyzed, which in specific consisted of measurement devices of pollution levels in a specific zone, such as the MACAM system implemented in the city of Santiago in Chile since 1988. The possibility of other devices were analyzed that unlike the MACAM system, work as independent devices that are not connected in a network.

After this phase of investigation, it was clear that an important decision was had to be made on the main concept of Living Cities. The possibility of developing a micro-system that functions independently and its general effect can contribute to the well being of the society was what the team focused on from this point on.

Specifically various types of sensors and detectors of gas and contamination were studied at a theoretical level. This phase of the project was fundamentally carried out from the analysis of different patents whose structure and functionality could be applied and be integrated to the project. The work carried out by David Uhen which consists of an apparatus that does periodic measurements of the CO2 content in the breathing was valuable to the technical development. Although the approach of Uhen was a medical solution, the concept was nevertheless applicable in Living Cities. Also the work of David D. Nelson, J. Barry McManus, Mark Zahniser, Charles E. Kolb on the differentiatation between gases emitted by a vehicle is through laser technology, constitutes an area of opportunity that team feels that can be used like expand the development of the technology that Living Cities demands.

Finally, due to the natural concept of Living Cities, various methods of generating energy through the natural process were examined. The research introduced the work of Christopher J. Love, Shuguang Zhang, Andreas Mershin of the Center for Biomedical Engineering, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. Their studies are aimed at obtaining electrical energy from the pH difference that exists between the tree leafs and the soil.

On the commercial side, the company Voltre Power has developed a system of sensors of fire detection which obtains their energy from the photosynthetic processes of the trees. This self power system, although a step in the right direction, still can not be used as a replacement of traditional light emitting urban devices due its limited capacity in terms of generating energy.

On the basis of the previous investigations, Living Cities it has entered to a stage where the objective is initially to take advantage of the technology available and in parallel initiating research studies on the development of specialized technology that allows to translate the main concepts of the project more efficiently and that promotes the development of social intelligence as it progresses.

Introducción Definitiva

The current tendency of social development are based on urban and globalised conception which due to rapid growth of modern population, its first and foremost objective is to fulfill this demand. Due to such exponentially increasing behavior, the metropolitan zones have undergone a process of excessive expansion in the last few decades. Based on the studies carried by the United Nations in 2008, the number of residents of urban zones was reaching 3.300 million. According this research by the year 2050, this number will increase reaching 5.000 million people; in other words during next the four decades, the planet will be subject to a permanent process of urbanization.

This global pattern of urban growth, although it is translated in the various development of facilities and services, also has brought with itself vital environmental repercussions. Based on the present rate of growth in the largest cities in the world, an estimated total of 6 million hectares of primary forests are destroyed. Only in Mexico, an estimated 395.000 hectares of the natural green environments were severely affected between the years 2000 and the 2005.

According to the research conducted by Energy Information Administration (EIA), it calculates that in the year 2009, 5,978 million tons of carbon dioxide will be generated only in the United States and predicts that for the 2030 this number it will be increased up to 15%.

This urgent situation has lead towards a change of perspective in which, the concept of ecological responsibility has broken the misconception that such subjects being exclusive to “traditional environmental institutions”. Furthermore it is resurfacing itself as part of the analysis, marketing, and public relation campaigns of many production companies to gain competitive advantage. And as a result, the final consumer is also attending to this important factor in his/her final decision. As this awareness movement builds in a global scale, it is vital to build a modern and intelligent culture which contemplates the ecological responsibility as a constant that is integrated in all aspects of life.

The objective of this document is to concretely explore this situation and from this, to propose a socially interactive system that promotes the development of an environmental friendly culture. More specifically, an electronic system that evaluates the various carbon dioxide levels in different areas of a city and analyses and presents the results through an emotional language, which outlines ,in a global way, the quality of the relation between inhabitant and habitat.

The project is the result of a diverse process of creative techniques conceived in three different stages. Firstly, a general elaboration and analysis of the problem from which, it was possible to explore further key situations that together, defined the limits of an area of concrete opportunity to take part. Once such area was identified, the second stage of the project took place. Which had the following objective: to deeply identify the different stakeholders and on the basis of this understanding, to establish a dynamic collaborative design that resulted in the development of a structured proposal that is free of speculations and uncertainties. The creative process culminated with the integration of a graphical data base that allowed us to integrate all the information and the requirements within a unique concept to which is called: “Living Cities”.

To complete the third stage, a qualitative investigation of the alternatives was carried out from which intended to sensitize the urbanization process. The studies performed by the Biomimicry Institute in relation to an artificial photosynthetic process such as gathering energy, or the concepts of functional integration organisms – a technology in development by Voltree-Power, represent a unique and fresh work.

In the case of this project and its objective at hand, Living Cities focuses not only on the creation and application of new technologies but also develops clear solutions to promote the development of a collective intelligence that allows the users of the system, to generate better and more efficient solutions using emotional feedback specifically in regards to the systems communication.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Resumen de Patentes

Básicamente las patentes de la plataforma nos hablan de instrumentos, aparatos y dispositivos controladores, limpiadores o medidores de los gases emitidos por motores, ciudades, etc. pero principalmente del gas conocido como CO2.


El esquema actual de desarrollo social obedece a una concepción urbanista y globalizada a partir de la cual; se pretende satisfacer las necesidades que la población moderna demanda a raíz de su incesante crecimiento. Debido a la naturaleza exponencial con que esto sucede, las zonas metropolitanas han experimentado un proceso de expansión desmedida en las últimas décadas.
De acuerdo con los estudios realizados por el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, el número de residentes de zonas urbanas hasta el 2008 alcanza los 3,300 millones y se estima que para el año 2050, esta cifra se dispare hasta alcanzar los 5,000 millones de personas; lo que significa que durante las próximas cuatro décadas, el planeta se verá sujeto a un proceso permanente de urbanización.
Esta tendencia global de crecimiento urbano, si bien se traduce en un entorno lleno de facilidades y servicios, también ha traído consigo importantes repercusiones ambientales. El ritmo de crecimiento actual de las grandes ciudades, genera la destrucción anual de 6 millones de hectáreas de bosques primarios. Tan solo en México, entre el 2000 y el 2005 se perdieron aproximadamente 395,000 hectáreas del patrimonio natural.
De acuerdo con la información recabada por la Energy Information Administration (EIA), se calcula que en el 2009, se producirán 5, 978 millones de toneladas métricas de dióxido de carbono tan solo en los Estados Unidos y se pronostica que para el 2030 esta cifra se incrementará hasta en un 15%.
Esta apremiante situación, ha conducido hacia un cambio de perspectiva en la cual, el concepto de responsabilidad ecológica ha dejado de ser un tema exclusivo de las “tradicionales instituciones ambientales” y hoy en día forma parte del discurso de numerosas empresas productoras y también de los consumidores finales. El que este movimiento de concientización se proyecte en una escala global, es vital para edificar una cultura moderna e inteligente la cual contemple la responsabilidad ecológica como una constante plasmada en cada uno de los aspectos de la vida.
El objetivo de este documento es explorar concretamente esta situación y a partir de ello proponer un sistema socialmente interactivo que promueva el desarrollo de una cultura ambiental. Más específicamente, se trata de un eco sistema electrónico que evalúa los niveles de dióxido de carbono en distintas áreas de la ciudad y despliega los resultados a través de un lenguaje emocional, el cual esquematiza de manera global la calidad de la relación habitante-hábitat.
El proyecto es el resultado de un proceso mixto de técnicas creativas concebido en tres etapas diferentes. La primera de ellas, consistió en la elaboración de un esbozo general del problema a partir del cual, fue posible descomponerlo hasta identificar momentos y situaciones clave que en conjunto, determinaron los límites de un área de oportunidad concreta para intervenir. Una vez identificado el campo de acción, se inició a la segunda etapa del proyecto la cual tuvo como objetivo, conocer plenamente a los diferentes stakeholders y en base a este entendimiento establecer una dinámica de diseño colaborativo que culminara con el desarrollo de una propuesta bien estructurada y libre de especulaciones. El proceso creativo culminó con la integración de una base de datos gráfica que nos permitió integrar toda la información y los requerimientos dentro de un concepto único al que denominamos: “Living Cities”.
A manera de complemento para esta tercera etapa, se llevó a cabo una investigación cualitativa de las alternativas actualmente disponibles, a partir de las cuales se pretende sensibilizar el proceso de urbanización. Los estudios realizados por el Biomimicry Institute en relación a un proceso fotosintético artificial como estrategia de captación de energía, o los conceptos de integración funcional órgano - tecnológicos desarrollados por Voltree-Power, representan de manera general la esencia del trabajo hasta ahora realizado en lo referente a esta temática.
Por su parte el proyecto Living Cities se enfoca no únicamente a la creación y aplicación de nueva tecnología sino que; a partir de ella, busca promover el desarrollo de una inteligencia colectiva que permita a los usuarios del sistema, generar mejores y más eficientes soluciones planteadas específicamente en relación a su contexto comunitario.

Resúmen de Artículo 4 Métodos de monitoreo de la calidad del aire en la región metropolitana (red MACAM)

Tomando a Santiago de Chile como ejemplo en comparacíon de como se encuetra México.
Santiago de Chile es una ciudad cuyos niveles de contaminación atmosférica puden llegar a ser peligrosos, en determinadas ocasiones, para la salud y el bienestar de la población humana. En Enero de 1988 comenzó a funcionar el sistema de medición automático de la contaminación atmosférica de la ciudad de Santiago, llamado MACAM. En este artículo se describen los diversos factores que explican la elevada contaminación atmosférica de Santiago y las características de la red MACAM. También se describen los propósitos de las mediciones de la contaminación atmosférica y de las variables meteorológicas, el número y los lugares de ubicación de las estaciones de la red de monitoreo, como también los instrumentos y principios utilizados en la detección de los diferentes contaminantes del aire (partículas, CO, SO(2), NOx, NO(2) O(3) e hidrocarburos) y los criterios y formas de manejar la enorme cantidad de información que se genera (AU)

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Bench marketing

Medidor de Ruido

Contaminación de luz

Medidor de radiación solar

Instalan medidores contaminación Generadora San Felipe
La Secretaría de Protección del Medio Ambiente, dejó formalmente instalado el equipo Colector De PM-10, ubicado en la parte oeste de Puerto Plata, en las cercanías de la Generadora San Felipe, el cual será utilizado para capturar material particulado y polvo menores de 10 micrones, por lo que estamos en espera de las últimas calibraciones de dicho equipo, para que quede en funcionamiento en los próximos días.
"Sí al Turismo y "No a la Contaminación"El Comité De Lucha de la Salud y en Contra de la Contaminación

Lamentablemente han aparecido enfermedades que hace algún tiempo ni siquiera se hubieran imaginado, y es que muchas de estas son causa directa de la contaminación del medio ambiente.
Por ejemplo, el desgaste de la capa de ozono nos causa enfermedades muy graves en la piel incluyendo cáncer, esto si estamos mucho tiempo expuestos a los rayos U.V del Sol; pero a muchos de nosotros nos gusta ir a adquirir un buen color a la playa, pero ahora ya lo podemos hacer con mucha prudencia gracias a este medidor de rayos ultra violeta.
Es ultra portátil y está diseñado con un material a prueba de agua, además de que lo puedes llevar como pulsera gracias a una correa de plástico incorporada, gracias a esto podrás estar bajo el sol sin consecuencias graves, ya que te indicará si ya has estado demasiado tiempo expuesto a los dañinos rayos.
Como complemento adicional este medidor incluye un termómetro y reloj, el precio de este gadget es de $50 dólares.

Medidor de agua

Detector de co2

sábado, 7 de marzo de 2009

Resumen del articulo 3

Articulo: Fotosíntesis artificial: ¿el futuro de una energía limpia?

“El secreto de una energía limpia, barata e inagotable podría estar en las plantas, esto nos dice el artículo. Los científicos de todo el mundo están tratando de reproducir en laboratorio el proceso de la fotosíntesis. Si lo consiguen, podría servir para generalizar un sistema enérgico, ecológico basado en el hidrógeno y la energía solar, capaz incluso de combatir los efectos del calentamiento global al reducir el dióxido de carbono (CO2) de la atmósfera.

En el instituto tecnológico de Massachussets (MIT), El químico Daniel Nocera ha creado un catalizador de cobalto y fósforo que pone el agua a temperatura ambiente.
Nocera asegura que su descubrimiento, Publicado en la revista Science, tendrá un mayor desarrollo de la tecnología solar fotovoltaica. Además de tener un costo muy bajo, esto permitirá aprovechar el exceso el exceso de energía solar durante la noche.

EL desarrollo de nuevos materiales y catalizadores que permitan la fotosíntesis artificial centra el trabajo en varios equipos .

Un equipo de la universidad de California en Berkeley, dirigido por el físico químico Graham Fleming trabaja para descubrir cómo las plantas transfieren la energía a través de una red de pigmento-proteína con casi un cien por cien de eficiencia.

En la Universidad de Kyoto un grupo de ingenieros dirigido por Hideki Koyanaka ha creado un material a partir de una técnica que permite producir nanoparticulas muy puras de oxido de maganeso. Sus responsables afirman que permitirá la producción de sistemas baratos y eficaces para sintetizar azúcares y etanol a partir de la luz y del CO2, disminuyendo de paso la cantidad de emisiones de este gas a la atmósfera. Por el momento, los investigadores japoneses planean comercializarlo en pequeños dispositivos para reducir el CO” de coches y fábricas.

Aun queda mucho por recorrer en cuanto se refiere a la fotosíntesis artificial. Los sistemas desarrollados por el momento aún se encuentran en una etapa inicial y son varias las dificultades que hay que salvar.”

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

Patent #2

Title: Renewable energy system for hydrogen production and carbon dioxide capture

Abstract: The present invention is an integrated system for the production of hydrogen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the air or gas streams. The integrated system includes an energy source for generating electrical energy and a water source coupled to the energy source. The water source includes ionic electrolytes. The energy source supplies energy to the water source to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen gas, oxygen gas, acid and base. The carbon dioxide reacts with the base. In some embodiments, the energy source is a renewable energy source. The integrated system produces substantially no carbon dioxide and when combined with a renewable energy source, produces clean hydrogen fuel and reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide, resulting in carbon dioxide negative energy and manufacturing strategies.


Patent#3 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=AnMCAAAAEBAJ&dq=measuring+co2)

Title: Method for calibrating a carbon dioxide monitor

Abstract: An apparatus periodically measures the carbon dioxide content of the breath of a medical patient. The need to recalibrate the apparatus is determined by comparing the carbon dioxide measurements taken at different times during the respiratory cycle to corresponding reference levels. These levels often occur when the apparatus no longer is measuring accurately. When recalibration is indicated the apparatus waits until the patient begins inhaling so that the recalibration does not interfere with measuring the carbon dioxide during exhalation. The apparatus then measures the carbon dioxide content of the ambient air to define an offset value used in patient monitoring


Patent#4 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=g947AAAAEBAJ&dq=measuring+co2+pollution)

Title: Carbon dioxide measurement

Carbon dioxide in the presence of oxygen is sensed by passage of the gas mixture through a layer of polymeric material and through a first, porous, working electrode in contact with a layer of aqueous electrolyte any oxygen being reduced at the electrode; any CO.sub.2 gas passes through the aqueous electrolyte and through a CO.sub.2 -permeable layer of polymeric material to a layer of non-aqueous solvent in contact with a second working electrode at which any CO.sub.2 gas is reduced, causing a current to flow.


Patent#5 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=rA8ZAAAAEBAJ&dq=c02+pollution+level)

Title: Laser system for cross-road measurement of motor vehicle exhaust gases

A cross-road motor vehicle exhaust gas analyzer uses tunable infrared laser differential absorption spectroscopy incorporating photon infrared detection to determine the absolute fractional absorption of a laser by the gaseous medium. Spectroscopic constants of the gaseous species of interest are applied to the absolute fractional absorption to calculate the pertinent absolute column densities. In addition to a laser that sweeps across one or more absorption line of an component of interest, the system of the invention includes a laser source tunable over an absorption line of a reference species; the calculated column density of the reference species is used to normalize the concentration of the component of interest to the fuel consumption rate of the motor vehicle.


Patent#6 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=kY4WAAAAEBAJ&dq=c02+pollution+level)

Title: Method and apparatus for remote measurement of exhaust gas

A method and apparatus for sensing a composition of an exhaust plume includes a light source that radiates an infrared light beam having a plurality of predetermined wavelengths. A first of the predetermined wavelengths is associated with carbon dioxide and a second of the predetermined wavelengths is associated with a second gas, such as a hydrocarbon or carbon monoxide. The apparatus also includes a detector unit that detects the beam passing through the plume. The apparatus computes a ratio of the second gas to carbon dioxide based upon the first and second detected wavelengths, and this ratio is then multiplied by a predetermined estimation of a concentration of carbon dioxide in the plume.


Patent#7 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=bkkKAAAAEBAJ&dq=c02+pollution+level)

Title: Pollution control device

A pollution control apparatus and method reduces contaminants, such as NOx and SOx pollutants, from an effluent gas stream. The pollution control device includes a resonance chamber that ionizes the effluent gas stream. The contaminants of the effluent gas stream are destroyed in a non-thermal plasma reactor. The effluent gas is then cooled in a cooling unit to substantially place the effluent gas in a non-excited state prior to releasing the effluent gas into the environment or re-injecting the effluent gas into the source of the effluent gas. Re-association of the radical oxides into harmful pollutants is thereby substantially prevented.


Patent#8 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=CLIUAAAAEBAJ&dq=c02+pollution+level)

Title: Pollution control device

A pollution control apparatus and method reduces contaminants, such as NOx and SOx pollutants, from an effluent gas stream. The pollution control device includes a resonance chamber that ionizes the effluent gas stream. The contaminants of the effluent gas stream are destroyed in a non-thermal plasma reactor. The effluent gas is then cooled in a cooling unit to substantially place the effluent gas in a non-excited state prior to releasing the effluent gas into the environment or re-injecting the effluent gas into the source of the effluent gas. Re-association of the radical oxides into harmful pollutants is thereby substantially prevented.

resumen articulo 1 y 2

Aticulo-1 http://www.solociencia.com/ingenieria/06102305.htm Energía que crece en los arboles  A lo lago de este articulo se abordan la posbilidad de crear una planta productora de  75 millones de etanol haciendo uso de los arboles, basicamente e álamo, para ello se  detectaron 93 genes que existen dentro del árbol que ayudan a controlar el nivel de  producción. En este caso se estaría usando el álamo negro ya que se desarrolla muy rápido, alcanza la madurez en poco tiempo y básicamene por que genera el etanol deseado sin necesidad de modificarlo genéticamente   articulo-2 http://www.construible.es/noticiasDetalle.aspx?c=21&idm=162&m=21&n2=20&pat=20 Más que nada este articulo exlica de manera general que es la biomasa y básicamente es una  fuente de energía procedented del sol, la biomasa es procedente de la fotosintesis que  genera cada árbol, la energía almacenada por este proceso posteriormente puede ser  transformada en energia termica, electrica o algun carburante de origen vegetal.   Existen dos tipos de biomasa: 1.- Vegetal: la procedente de la fotosistesis de los árboles  2.- Animal: se obtiene de los seres vivos que se alimentan de la biomasa vegetal(un ejemplo podría ser la biomasa fósil la cual con el paso del tiempo genera pretoleo, gas natural, etc.)  También se clasifican los tipos de residuos: 1.- Agricolasr 2.- Forestales 3.-Ganaderos 4.-Sólidos urbanos 5.- Aguas residuales urbanas  Se explica de manera breve lo que son los cultivos energéticos, son invernaderos con  plantas cultivadas especialmente para aprovechar la biomasa generada de la fotosintesis, también existen diferente tipos de cultivos dependiendo de donde se implementen y del tipo  de materia prima (plantas y recursos naturales) que se vaya a usar: 1.-Tradicionales 2.-Poco frecuentes 3.-Acuaticos 4.-De plantas productoras de combustibles líquidos  Ya por ultimo en este articulo se plantean algunas manera de transformar la biomasa en energía: 1.-Combustion 2.-Gasificacion 3.-Fermentacion alcohólica 4.-Fermentación metánic

jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

viernes, 20 de febrero de 2009

Benchmarketing y Los Patentes de Sistemas de Capturar del CO2

Bench Marketing
Zinc Based Fairy Dust
Novomer, a materials company based in Ithaca, New York, is one of the most highly publicized players in this emerging field. The 4-year-old company, led by president Charles Hamilton, is developing a line of high-performance, biodegradable plastics, polymers and other chemicals using carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The company was built around technology developed at Cornell to use CO2 as a building block for chemicals to produce plastics.

Paper, Concrete, Fuel
Calera Corporation in Los Gatos, California, for example, has developed a nature-mimicking process that converts CO2 into cement - which is a product known for producing high levels of CO2. By removing CO2 from the atmosphere in the process of making a product that usually produces a lot of CO2 using other methods, the company is in a position to help reverse human-caused global warming and ocean acidification.

Carbon Sciences is another company gaining a lot of media attention for its process of turning CO2 waste into carbonate, and eventually into fuels. The company, led by CEO Derek McLeish, is focusing on two applications for its technologies. In the near term, says McLeish, the company is working on a CO2-to-carbonate technology that combines CO2 with industrial waste minerals and transforms them into calcium carbonate, a high value chemical compound used in paper production, pharmaceuticals and plastics.

The Santa Barbara-based firm claims to have developed a new “biocatalyst” technology that can convert carbon dioxide into the three basic hydrocarbons – methane, ethane and propane – needed to produce gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel and other liquid energy sources. The company plans to test the process next spring; if it proves effective and Carbon Sciences succeeds in deploying it on a larger scale, then the technology could help to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions from power plants, oil refineries, factories and other industrial sites – all while producing a clean and renewable supply of energy.
Carbon Sciences Chief Executive Officer Derek McLeish announced the breakthrough – which was invented and perfected by the firm’s chief technology officer, Naveed Aslam – at the International Summit on Policy, Technology and Investment, which took place late last September on the campus of Cambridge University in England.

Regular beverage vending machines use primarily hydroflurocarbon (HFC) systems to cool your drink of choice. Unfortunately, HFC systems are a major source of greenhouse gases. Coca Cola, the largest beverage company in the world, has decided to switch to CO2 systems in an effort to decrease Coke’s environmental impact.
Recently, Neville Isdell, Chief of Coca Cola, announced that his company was going to be purchasing 100,000 CO2 vending machines at a cost 25% higher than normal HFC units. He also noted that this was a direct response on the part of his company to lower Coca Cola’s environmental footprint.


Patent #1
Title: Amine enriched solid sorbents for carbon dioxide capture
Document Type and Number:
United States Patent 6547854

A new method for making low-cost CO2 sorbents that can be used in large-scale gas-solid processes. The new method entails treating a solid substrate with acid or base and simultaneous or subsequent treatment with a substituted amine salt. The method eliminates the need for organic solvents and polymeric materials for the preparation of CO2 capture systems.
Representative Image:

Gray, Mcmahan L. (Pittsburgh, PA)
Soong, Yee (Monroeville, PA)
Champagne, Kenneth J. (Fredericktown, PA)
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The United States of America as represented by the United States Department of Energy (Washington, DC)
Primary Class:
Other Classes:
502/408, 502/411, 423/230, 95/148
International Classes:
B01D53/02; B01D53/62; B01J20/22; B01J20/32; B01J20/30; B01D53/04; B01J20/22
Field of Search:
423/228, 95/90, 95/285, 502/64, 502/439, 502/416, 423/230, 95/139, 502/408, 502/407, 95/148, 502/85, 502/411, 423/220, 423/229

Patent #2
Renewable energy system for hydrogen production and carbon dioxide capture
USPTO Application #: 20080245660
Title: Renewable energy system for hydrogen production and carbon dioxide capture
Abstract: The present invention is an integrated system for the production of hydrogen and the removal of carbon dioxide from the air or gas streams. The integrated system includes an energy source for generating electrical energy and a water source coupled to the energy source. The water source includes ionic electrolytes. The energy source supplies energy to the water source to electrolyze water to produce hydrogen gas, oxygen gas, acid and base. The carbon dioxide reacts with the base. In some embodiments, the energy source is a renewable energy source. The integrated system produces substantially no carbon dioxide and when combined with a renewable energy source, produces clean hydrogen fuel and reduces atmospheric carbon dioxide, resulting in carbon dioxide negative energy and manufacturing strategies. (end of abstract)
This application is related to co-owned and co-pending application entitled ELECTROCHEMICAL APPARATUS TO GENERATE HYDROGEN AND SEQUESTER CARBON DIOXIDE, filed on the same day and assigned Ser. No. ______ and to co-owned and co-pending application entitled ELECTROCHEMICAL METHODS TO GENERATE HYDROGEN AND SEQUESTER CARBON DIOXIDE, filed on the same day and assigned Ser. No. ______, both of which are herein incorporated by reference in their entirety.
The present invention relates to the fields of renewable hydrogen production and carbon dioxide capture and sequestration. More specifically, the present invention relates to an integrated system that uses renewable energy in combination with water electrolysis to generate renewable hydrogen and capture and sequester carbon dioxide.
The electrochemical cleavage of water has traditionally been viewed as a method of producing hydrogen and oxygen gas. In traditional alkaline water electrolysis, two molecules of hydroxide base are produced and consumed for every molecule of hydrogen generated. One common method of producing hydroxide base uses the chloralkali process in which sodium chloride, rather than water, is electrolyzed. While effective, the chloralkali method generates abundant chlorine, a toxic by-product, and generates several tons of carbon dioxide pollution per ton of manufactured base when powered with electricity generated from fossil fuels.
In one aspect, the present invention is an integrated system for the production of hydrogen and the removal of carbon dioxide including an energy source and a water source. The energy source generates electrical energy. The water source is coupled to the energy source and includes ionic electrolytes. The energy source supplies energy to the water source to electrolyze water to produce oxygen gas, hydrogen gas, acid and base. The carbon dioxide reacts with the base. The integrated system produces substantially no carbon dioxide.
In another aspect, the present invention is a system for producing value-added products and removing carbon dioxide including a water electrolysis process and an energy source. The water electrolysis process produces hydrogen gas and a hydroxide base. The energy source supplies an electrical input to the water electrolysis process. The hydrogen gas is collected and supplements the energy source and the base removes atmospheric carbon dioxide. The system removes more atmospheric carbon dioxide than it produces.
In yet another aspect, the present invention is an integrated system for capturing and converting carbon dioxide to a value-added product. The integrated system includes a renewable energy source for generating electricity and a water electrolysis apparatus. The energy from the renewable energy source is supplied to the water electrolysis apparatus to produce hydrogen, oxygen, a base and an acid, which are sequestered. The atmosphere has an initial concentration of carbon dioxide prior to supplying energy from the renewable energy source to the water electrolysis apparatus. After supplying energy from the renewable energy source to the water electrolysis apparatus, the base produced reacts with the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere such that the atmosphere has a resulting concentration of carbon dioxide less than the initial concentration of carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is then converted to a value-added product.
In still another aspect, the present invention is a system for recovering carbon dioxide including a water electrolysis apparatus having an anode and a cathode and a renewable energy source coupled to the water electrolysis apparatus for providing electrical energy to the water electrolysis apparatus. The water electrolysis apparatus produces oxygen and aqueous acid at the anode and produces hydrogen and aqueous base at the cathode. The aqueous base produced by the water electrolysis apparatus is used to capture carbon dioxide. The system captures more carbon dioxide than the system produces and produces less than about 100 mg of chlorine per liter of electrolyte.
In another aspect, the present invention is an integrated water electrolysis system for the production of hydrogen, oxygen, acid and base. The system includes an aqueous electrolyte solution, an electrical source, an anode and anode region and a cathode and cathode region. The anode and anode reaction region generate between about 100 and about 10,000,000 times more hydronium ions than are initially present in the electrolyte solution and the cathode and cathode reaction region generate between about 100 and about 10,000,000 times more hydroxide ions than are initially present in the electrolyte solution. The carbon dioxide reacts with the hydroxide ions to form carbonate or bicarbonate. The integrated electrolysis system produces substantially no carbon dioxide.
These and other aspects, processes and features of the invention will become more fully apparent when the following detailed description is read with the accompanying figures and examples. However, both the foregoing summary of the invention and the following detailed description of it represent one potential embodiment, and are not restrictive of the invention or other alternate embodiments of the invention.
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an integrated water electrolysis system, according to one embodiment.
FIG. 2 is a schematic view of a water electrolysis device of the integrated water electrolysis system of FIG. 1, according to one embodiment.
FIG. 3 is a schematic view of an alternative embodiment of the water electrolysis device of FIG. 2, according to one embodiment.

Patent #3

Morphic (STO:MORPB) has been granted a patent on a method and system for absorbing atmospheric carbon dioxide using wind turbines, and then combining the CO2 with water and excess electricity to produce liquid biofuels. The technology for CO2 absorption has been verified in a laboratory environment, and the company is now looking for partnerships with a view to evaluating a potential commercialization of the concept.
Since 2004 Morphic has been conducting intensive research and development into energy conversion, covering processes as well as technical systems, with the aim of finding ways to convert and store renewable energy in various forms, and to adapt it for later use in fuel cells for a range of different applications.
The basic idea behind the patent is to absorb carbon dioxide using an enzyme, carbonic anhydrase, which is used to coat the blades of the wind turbine. The function is the same biochemical process that removes carbon dioxide from the blood in a human. An application for a patent on an “energy converter” for producing methanol from electricity, carbon dioxide and water was submitted as far back as 2004. The invention that has now been patented is a more advanced version of the same energy converter, where Morphic believes it has solved the problem of how to extract the CO2 from the air.
“The actual method and arrangement have been verified on a very small scale, with encouraging results. One of the big challenges in our R&D work now will be to find an economical way to release the captured carbon dioxide. There are several well known methods and processes for converting CO2 into methanol and other liquid fuels, and we are now working on analyzing and optimizing these”, Dan Borgström, Senior Advisor at Morphic Technologies AB, says.
“The invention could in time become a pioneering product in our product development portfolio. There’s a lot of development that remains to be done, of course, and many problems that we still need to solve, but now that we have secured our rights we can at last start to make contacts both in the research community and with industrial partners to find the most cost-effective way to evaluate and optimize the technology. Since carbon dioxide capture is now high on the global agenda, we believe the best approach to a future commercialization is through licensed sales,” Martin Valfridsson, Morphic Technologies’ President and CEO, says.
This is Morphic
Morphic is a Swedish engineering group operating in the areas of fuels cells, wind power, fuel cell energy systems and engineering technology. The Group has about 230 employees and conducts operations in six countries – Sweden, Norway, Japan, Greece, Italy and Switzerland. Morphic Technologies’ B shares have been listed on the OMX Nordic Exchange since March 4, 2008, and the number of shareholders is about 28,800.
 http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/permalink/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20090203005601&newsLang=en
 http://www.freshpatents.com/Renewable-energy-system-for-hydrogen-production-and-carbon-dioxide-capture-dt20081009ptan20080245660.php
 http://www.zero.no/fossil/co2-en/technology/co2-storage/alternatives/using-co2-for-eor/view?set_language=en
 http://www.greenerdesign.com/feature/2008/10/20/carbon-dioxide-turns-useful
 http://cleantechnica.com/2008/08/26/one-companys-way-of-fighting-global-warming-transform-co2-into-useful-products/

jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009

Hipótesis Final

Nosotros observamos en nuestro ambiente urbano que en muchas ocasiones lo artificial remplaza los elementos naturales, es por ello que deseamos convertir lo natural en algo rentable para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de este ambiente, de manera que las personas conciban lo natural como algo necesario y generador de beneficios y no sólo como algo ornamental. Nuestro proyecto impactará al medio ambiente y a la sociedad, concientizándola de los efectos que se genera a raíz de la contaminación producida en nuestra rutina coridiana

El Desarollo de Los Hipótesis

· Es posible integre elementos naturales (árboles, plantes, etc.) dentro de la funcionalidad de un ambiente urbano.

· Existe potencial de acción en las espacias y puntos críticos en donde se aglomeran los autos y/o personas.

· Es posible relacionar de manera cíclica al entorno y los usuarios.

· Un problema importante que podemos atacar es la seguridad dentro de los transportes.

· El rechazo del uso de las celdas solares se deberá más de una razón además de costo de la inversión, es necesario indagar en este motivo

· Podemos plantear cambios dependiendo de las rutinas cotidianas.

· Mejorando los tiempos en que pasan los camiones contribuiremos a que menos personas utilicen los autos y usen los camiones.

· Fomentando que se soban más personas en un coche disminuimos la cantidad de coches en las vialidades.

· Mejorando la experiencia de los ciudadanos en el centro histórico de Querétaro se puede aumentar en turismo a nuestra ciudad.

· Una nueva sistema de agua portable puede reducir la contaminación de agua.

· Una solución de problema de los caminos para la gente discapacitada en centro de Querétaro puede construir una conciencia en el pensamiento.

· Sistema de reciclar C02 como un recurso para la industria y reducir contaminación.

Objetivo De Las IDEO CARDS

Fly on the wall: Observar los distintos comportamientos de las personas en diferentes ambientes o entornos, además es necesario observar durante varios días para destacar el comportamiento según el día

A day in the Life: Deseamos observar la rutina cotidiana de una persona para detectar las oportunidades para acceder a ella y para determinar patrones e inclinaciones.

S&Q: Detectar necesidades y gustos de la sociedad para poder atacar el problema más relevante que la comunidad declara y poder darles un beneficio.

Card sort: Que la gente ordene según sus prioridades ciertas problemáticas para poder darnos cuenta donde hay áreas de oportunidades y focos de problemas

Word Card Association: Identificar las maneras de ver las cosas, en especifico una para poder entender sus ideologías. Es decir entender el ¿Cómo?

Collage: Esto es de manera interna y será usado para hacer un resumen de los datos recolectados y poder integrarlos dentro de un solo proyecto

Estretategias De Investigación

El Arte De Preguntar

Antes de empezar el proceso de hacer preguntas nos planteamos ciertos objetivos:
  • Queríamos explorar el concepto de sustentabilidad
  • Resaltar los puntos críticos del tema
  • Saber los intereses concretos de cada integrante con respecto al tema
  • Percátanos de los aspectos fundamentales que debían investigarse

Con estos conceptos llegamos a estas preguntas:

  • ¿Cuántos es el tiempo promedio de una ducha?
  • ¿Cuál es el tiempo correcto de una ducha?
  • ¿Cuánto contaminan los productos que usamos en la regadera?
  • ¿Cuáles son los componentes contaminadores de estos productos?
  • ¿Qué productos se necesitan para cubrir necesidades vitales?
  • ¿Los productos nuevos no generan una necesidad o cubren una?
  • ¿Cómo hacer que la sustentabilidad sea una moda que dure?
  • ¿Es posible realizar una maquinaria generadora que tenga buena calidad y un buen costo?
  • ¿Se puede convertir un capricho en una necesidad?
  • ¿De los desechos podemos obtener beneficios?
  • ¿A qué se debe le no ahorro de luz?
  • ¿Hasta qué punto puede abarcar el reciclaje?
  • ¿Cómo puede el ambiente mejorar el método de reciclaje?
  • ¿Como las arboles pueden ayudar al medio ambiente? Cuantos se necesita?
  • ¿Qué proyecto ya existen utilizando arboles?
  • ¿Cómo puedes educar a la gente para que tenga una mayor conciencia?
  • ¿Cómo puedes relacionera los elementos naturales con la tecnología y las necesidades actuales?
  • ¿Cuál es la cultura en México en torno a la sustentabilidad?
  • ¿Donde hay una necesidad más apremiante en el nivel social o en el domestico?
  • ¿Qué tan receptiva pude ser a humanidad a un cambio radical?
  • ¿Cómo se puede medir el impacto que va a tener un objeto en la sociedad?